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Shine On You Crazy Daisy

Shine On You Crazy Daisy

Hosted by: Trudy Simmons

Inspirational and motivational stories from business women about running their own businesses and the trials and tribulations along the way to where they are now.


Moments that Made Me - Sofie Atkins from The Joyful Movement

Season #3

Finding your strength, courage and confidence when you are "quiet" is what Sofie has done through sharing her love of dance and movement. She has been called Quietly Confident - she doesn't just think about doing...
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Designing Your Life - Kendra Beavis from MOKA Creative

Season #3

Making failure your best friend - what a different way of looking at things! I love that Kendra has navigated failure, judgement and status - and worked with her perceptions of these to create massive success. Kendra...
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Never Too Young - Jade Binsted from The Ribbons Group

Season #3

oh my goodness.... what a conversation to listen to about taking your past and putting the positives in place for your future growth. Jade has built the most incredible business, built from her own resilience and...
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Hello Me! - Jen Spurr from Jennifer Spurr Coaching

Season #3

Climbing the corporate "ladder" and then realising that the ladder was on the wrong wall - LOVE the way that Jen describes her values and success and how they changed. Jen Spurr...
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Accept That Some Days you are the Statue and Some Days you are the Pigeon - Charmian Heys from NOW Accounting Serivces

Season #3

Working out your driving force for success and working with your best friend. Charmian has come from feeling like her driving force was coming from other people, to finding it for herself and then driving her business...
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My Journey to FotoGenix - Clare Levy from FotoGenix

Season #3

Finding what you love, knowing what you love, VALUING what you love and making a business from it. That is what Clare has done and continues to people people at ease whilst taking amazing photos. Clare Levy...
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Six things I wish I knew when I started my business - Claire Anstey from Operational Goddess

Season #3

WOWSERS - Claire has been on a business-journey-of-discovery for 10 years... and she has found herself AND what works for HER in the process - and now... it is ALL COMING TOGETHER. So she gives her 6 things she wished...
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In The Frame - Fi Campos from Fi Campos Photography Styling

Season #3

Finding what success means to you and then making sure that those qualities are in your business, is so important. Fi has found that TIME is the most important value and has made sure that her very successful business...
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I never wanted to be self employed - Fiona Sanderson from Miss S Business Support

Season #3

The brilliance of finding your purpose and being able to share your expertise with charities. Fiona has found that having chronic health conditions, doesn't limit what you are able to do, it is working WITH this and...
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Pastures New - Meryl McCarther from Crystal Cave

Season #3

The journey is always so important to get to where we are now and Meryl proves that all of her teaching and knowledge came together to help and support herself AND her clients when it was needed the most. Meryl...
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Adapting to Thrive - Pat Maguire from Pat Maguire Natural Body Oils and Balms

Season #3

The lovely Pat was helping people in lots of holistic ways, then saw a gap in the market and filled it! Her business thrived after years of learning! Pat Maguire - MEMBERSHIPΒ  To join the Shine On...
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Do you Love Me or Work more Mummy? - Lisa Dickson from Caseron Cloud Accounting

Season #3

Out of the mouths of babes.... what a question to ask and have to answer. Lisa took that question and changed her life and business to suit herself and her family - and it has grown ever since! Lisa Dickson from...
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