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Are you ready to get rid of overwhelm and get
unstuck in your business?

Are you fed up of struggling alone and wish you were able to get the support you need to achieve the success you want? 

Then you’re in the right place Lovely!

Get Accountable HERE

Here is what I know....

I know that you have a million and one things on your to do list and you’re spinning so many plates and just praying that one won’t fall!

I know that it can be hard to even know where to start and that overwhelm is taking over and keeping you stuck.

I know that with so many ideas and things to get done, you have no idea what you should be focusing on or how on earth to fit it all in. 

I know this because I have helped hundreds of women in the exact same position as you! So know that you are definitely not alone with this! 

Do you ever think to yourself ...

"I know what I need to get done, BUT I'm just not doing it?"

Join the CLUB here

I want you to have a place that you can go to get the support that you need to get focused, take action and to build a business that fills you with happiness!

A place where I will be there to hold your hand through it all and take you step by step through how to achieve the success that you want in your business! 

The thing that we need most in our business is support and accountability to get things done!

Support to break everything down into easy manageable steps and to know exactly what it is that we need to be focusing on. Then ACCOUNTABILITY so that we actually take the action and don’t fall down the rabbit hole and into overwhelm and procrastination.

So, if you feel:

You're Overwhelmed?

You’re confused about what you should be focusing on and constantly worried about how you’re going to get everything done.

You’re stuck in overwhelm and procrastination as you have so much going on in your head and just don’t know how to untangle it all.

You Don't Have Enough Time?

There’s just not enough time in the day -  before you know it it’s the end of the day, you feel like you haven’t achieved anything and then the guilt and negative self talk starts to creep in.

No one part of your life is getting the best of you as you’re trying to do too many things and spreading yourself too thin.


You're Isolated?

You are feeling like you are doing this alone, sat behind your computer running your empire with your jammies on!

You’re feeling frustrated that you’re not fulfilling your potential and wish you knew the steps you need to take to turn your ideas and dreams into reality .....


You’re wondering how on earth does everyone else do this all alone?

The truth is they’re not doing it alone and you’re
not supposed to do it all alone either!


This is exactly why I have created The Accountability Club! 

The Accountability Club Membership

£120 plus VAT per month

Momentum and Accountability

You will get...

  • Group coaching every 2 week, with me, to know the exact steps you need to take next in your business
  • Dedicated monthly time to work ON your business and to commit to it's growth
  • Regular check-in's from me so that you are ACCOUNTABLE and take action
  • Weekly live Q&A's to get you unstuck and give you the focus and direction for where you want to get to
  • Daily support, when you need it, in our incredible private community filled with like minded women

Claire May - aMayzed Events

"Trudy is an amazing woman with a freaky insight into what works for you! She will help you to overcome your fears and eat frogs! Trudy has made me look at, not only my business, but also me personally and by doing so helped me to move forward with business."

Gemma Storey - Infinity Creative

"It is phenomenal working with Trudy for the growth of my business.  The group is so valuable, and the main reason I decided to join as for someone like me who works on my own and has a tendency to get stuck in my own head on ideas - I found the group to be a great help. It holds me accountable and encourages me to push myself out of my comfort zone.

Very grateful for Trudy's continued support - highly recommend!"

Pooja Mehta Nicodemi - Little Planet

"Trudy is an inspirational women.  Only because of her encouragement I started my business.  Trudy had total faith in my business and has always been there for when I have needed advice.  Trudy is a remarkable lady and she knows her stuff!! I love her energy, positivity and love how motivated she is, and how she motivates everyone else around her. But above all, as a business women, I admire her professionalism that comes with her honesty and integrity.

I truly thank you Trudy."

I know how frustrating it can be when you know that you need support, but can’t afford to invest in a coach - this is why The Accountability Club is so incredible as you will get coaching from me and ALL of the support you need to get focused, get direction and build a business that fills you with joy!

Imagine how it would feel to: 

  • Get rid of overwhelm once and for all, get clarity and know exactly what you should be focusing on. 
  • Have ongoing support from me, and be able to ask me your burning questions at any time to get unstuck and know exactly what action you need to take to grow your business.
  • Move through any fears that are holding you back. 
  • Have your actions broken down into manageable steps so that it is easy for you to achieve your goals and create massive success. 
  • Know how to manage your time in the most effective way so that you don’t constantly feel guilt or frustration for spreading yourself too thin. 
  • Have accountability and a supportive community so that you are able to take the action you need and stop procrastinating and getting distracted. 
  • Have the confidence and self belief that you need to build an incredible business.

This is all 100% possible for you!

You just need to take that next step...


So, are you ready?

Come and join us in The Accountability Club and let’s turn this into your reality!

Join today for £120 plus VAT per month.

When you sign up, you are committing to 3 months membership to see real changes. After the 3 months you can leave whenever you like, BUT I know that you won’t be going anywhere as the changes you will be seeing to your business will be so incredible!

This is a monthly accountability and clarity club that will help you to get focused, productive and create the direction that you want towards your business growth.

If you want results, you want support, you want to create an impact, you want to achieve your success and SEE your dreams come ALIVE, then this is the club for you! 

If you feel like … “if I only just”… if I could find out “this”, if I had “this” – get ALL of the answers here inside The Accountability Club, so that “THIS” is not the thing holding you back from your greatness.

In case we haven't met yet... 

Hello, I'm Trudy Simmons.

You might be asking yourself – am I the right person to help you transform your business?  I think I am, but then, I would say that, wouldn’t I?

As a business owner myself, I’ve been where you are. I understand the pressures and the struggles, and how to overcome them. Over the years I’ve helped, supported and coached hundreds of women entrepreneurs, helping them get out of their own way, stop self-sabotaging and transform their businesses to achieve the growth and success that they desire. I’ve also got over 20 years experience in Operational Management, and over a decade of running by own business completely solo. 

I also:

  • Founded The Crazy Daisy Networking, bringing together women from around the globe to create valuable connections and grow their business.
  • Created The Spectacular Business Symposium, for women entrepreneurs to expand their minds, learn new skills and be inspired by speakers from around the world.
  • Founded The Happy Business Mastermind. 1:1 business coaching for 4 months!

Sarah Bourne - Shades of You

"Trudy is a power house! She offers so much support, motivation and encouragement to business owners, there is never a silly question!  I always feel like I can take on the world after seeing Trudy!"

Charmian Heys - NOW Accounting Services

"I have really enjoyed working with Trudy, I like the way ideas come from discussion and working towards my business aims and goals. I have gone from feeling a bit lost in the business to being focused and motivated! If you are not sure whether to utilise Trudy’s skills just chat with her you will be assured and ready to go!."

Emily Laflin - Viva Support

"Trudy makes everyone feel at ease and is truly infectious with her positivity! She knows what to say at exactly the right time. Her group has honestly been a life saver to me since starting my business. The group is the most supportive community I have come across!"

So, "what exactly do I get?" I hear you say... Well let me tell you! 

When you become a member of The Accountability club you will get:

Fortnightly Group Coaching with me!

We will meet every 2 weeks for a live group call. If you can’t attend live you can submit your questions and get access to the recordings. This is a group call to lay your challenges on the table and focus on what you want to get done and then DO IT!

Get help to set specific goals and actions for each month in this session and support to break it down into small steps so that they are easy to manage and implement.

FOCUS - yes please!


Have a dedicated and committed time to work ON your business.

Get follow-up from me on what you have put as your accountability and regular check-ins to see how you are getting on and how I can support you further. 

Create consistency and momentum in your business by being accountable to our group of like-minded-go-getting-business-women!

Have access to a weekly Facebook live to answer any questions you have and to help you get unstuck.

Direction - yes please!

Ongoing Support!

Have access to a separate and private community with like-minded business women to support and encourage each other.

When we celebrate each other's success, it feeds MORE success. And when we can support each other through the tougher times, that support is felt and that feels GOOD!

Support - yes please!

All of this for an investment of just £120 (plus VAT) per month (with a 3 month minimum commitment to yourself and your business growth)! 


You don’t have to keep struggling alone Lovely!

I have helped hundreds of women to get unstuck and to build purposeful businesses and I want to help you too!

So Don't Stay Stuck!

I know that being our own boss can be hard as we have no one to answer to - that’s why having accountability is so important as this is what gets us to take the action we need rather than falling into the trap of overwhelm and procrastination! 

If I didn’t have accountability in my business there is no way it would be where it is today! 

So don’t stay stuck – don’t look back in 3 months and wish that you had started 3 months ago…..

Commit to the club for a 3 month period to see the momentum, consistency and results that this can build for your business!

It’s time to START DOING in your business, see the income you want, realise what profit means to you and gain growth in all areas – both personally and professionally.

CLICK HERE to get ACCOUNTABLE to your future

Working with me, my clients have achieved some amazing things in their businesses, and you can too.


Here are just a few examples of what my lovely clients have achieved from working with me...


  • Creating online courses that are aligned to their ideal client.
  • Taking a side hustle into a full-time, thriving business, with 100% growth in just 6 months.
  • Building a business model that works for THEIR business (not a formula that doesn't work!).
  • Creating visibility for their business through being clear on their marketing messages.
  • Turning a $600K annual turnover into a $3 million annual turnover in one year, by making the business fit their vision and outsourcing effectively.
  • Pivot their business direction, and turn it into something they wanted to do, with clarity and focus to get it done.
  • Building up the confidence to talk about their business and make their services visible, and create a business model that made it easy to bring clients through and up to the higher priced options.
  • Supporting the CEO of a large  firm to leave her job and write a book on self development, and turn that book into an online course.

Kari Roberts - Parenting Expert

"Working with Trudy has given me clarity and taken me from floundering to firm foundations in my business."

Claire Anstey - Operation Goddess

"I’ve lived in unconscious panic for so long and now… I’m clear, I’m focused, I have my direction and I am reaping the rewards from investing in myself with Trudy. Focus and accountability has given me more freedom – and I didn’t see this as an outcome of sorting out my business growth.  I have the future planned out and it feels so good. I feel so alive, so invigorated, my community is so engaged and I’m ready to build my business to its next level."

Celia Clark - Inspires Coaching

"I've worked with Trudy in her Happy Business Mastermind. I have moved my business further ahead in 2 months, than I had in 2 years!" 

So if you’ve got a dream and you’re ready to take inspired action to achieve it - come and join us inside The Accountability Club and I will be there with you every step of the way to make it happen! 

Trudy 🌼❤️

Got a question? It is answered below!